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22 July 2016 | Community

The Warehouse Proudly Supports the U-Turn Trust

Flaxmere‘s Henare O’Keefe (Kiwibank Community Hero of the Year in 2012) with help from other local leaders has set up the U-Turn Trust. The trust aims to make the Flaxmere community and a safer place and more positive place to live.

O’Keefe has been living in Flaxmere for over 20 years and says that “Our mantra is Flaxmere, heal thyself.” The healing process is well underway, the U-Turn Trust has been offering a number of programmes that target various areas of the community. Each programme is helping the residents to become more community orientated and focused on improving their way of life.

Programmes such as a boxing academy (teaching youth self-discipline and a respect for one’s self and others), a community garden, health programme- aimed at preventing diabetes, Tunu Tunu (mobile BBQ), Flaxmere Friendly Landlords’ Scheme (making sure that houses that do have and regular campaigns such as heating and insulation are clearly marked), the Jammies for June Campaign that was aimed at getting PJ’s to needy children in perpetration for the winter months and so much more all go towards making the community stronger and more united.

The Warehouse was so proud to support their last campaign ‘Jammies for June’ donating multiple pairs of jammies to the U-Turn Trust. Pictured below are some of the stores who donated to the Jammies for June campaign.

To read the full story please click here

To visit their website and/or donate please click here

To see what else The Warehouse is doing in the community please click here

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