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The special edition Scrabble game has hit The Warehouse stores nationwide and features a glossary of 300 Kiwi words, which were crowdsourced from around the country.

These Kiwi-isms were brought to life in The Warehouse Manukau as customers arrived to find the store had been ‘scrabbled’ and transformed into the game’s glossary. Outside, a fun day was underway to help bring the activities and games to life for our customers. It was a great day and our community partners joined in the fun.

Life Education – Harold came along to take pictures with the children! During 2017, he and his team partnered with The Warehouse to send 4,200 children from low socioeconomic areas to Life Education courses.

The Parenting Place – The Parenting Place strive to prioritise building stronger families within our communities. The Warehouse show their ongoing support through fundraising and sending parents to a Toolbox parenting course. They brought immense amount of energy and love to the fun day providing games and activities to all the families.

Water Skills for Life – Water Skills for Life work with Aotearoa organisations, individuals and public sectors to reduce incidents of drowning and injury. The Warehouse sponsored nearly 52,000 kids to receive free water safety education lessons in 2017 alone. Chris Morgan, Education Manager Water Skills for Life was helped by ocean swimmer and NZ representative Matt Scott to teach children about water safety skills.

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