NZX NZD$ 0.88 0.01

17 August 2016 | Community

Thank You For Supporting The Salvation Army

Warehouse Stationery thanks its customers for their generosity during their recent “Add a Dollar” campaign. $62,632 was raised to support “at risk” youth throughout New Zealand to participate in The Salvation Army’s “Aspire” programme.

The Aspire Programme aims at helping NZ youth develop confidence, skills, knowledge and vital networks works that they need to address and over come challenges that they will face in their lives (with 500 youth last year attending). These tools will allow them to excel and reach and exceed their goals. The programme based on the 'Circle of Courage' youth development model runs over 32 weeks and invovles:

  • Weekly sessions in groups of 10, over 32 weeks
  • A three-day adventure programme of tramping, abseiling, caving, white water rafting and more, led by qualified outdoor instructors at The Salvation Army Blue Mountain Adventure Centre
  • Developing teamwork and project skills by planning and implementing a community project to address a local issue
  • Ending with goal setting and a graduation celebration.

This money will change the lives of many young New Zealanders, allowing them to have a more positive and productive future, as contributing young citizens within their communities. Thank You New Zealand.

For more information on the Aspire Programme please click here

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