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Encouraging kids to write fluently by hand offers many cognitive benefits, and needs to be as much part of students’ development as learning to use word processing and other communications technology.

Neuroscience research shows that handwriting activates the areas of the brain linked to reading, more so than activity like typing or tracing letters or words.

More than that, an ability to handwrite helps with composition, enabling a freer flow of ideas, supporting greater creativity. Studies show that the fluency of written composition is improved by instruction in handwriting.

And far from competing with typing or the use of computers, handwriting gives us a head start – in most cases the faster someone can handwrite, the faster they can type. Brain activity associated with cursive handwriting seems to link to the part of brain we use to type.

So becoming more proficient at handwriting supports a range of cognitive development and increased creativity that boosts a student’s work and life skills, not just at school but into adulthood.

This school holidays, Warehouse Stationery is encouraging Kiwi kids to put pen to paper to improve their handwriting through there ‘Get New Zealand Writing’ initiative. Even the simple act of handwriting a postcard can help foster this important skill, as well as encouraging connection through writing.

The programme will give Kiwis the opportunity to write a postcard and send it to anyone, anywhere in the world, for free these school holidays (April 8 – 28, 2019).

“While technology use in education is important to prepare students for life in our increasingly digital world, it’s important we don’t forget the value of handwriting,” says Pejman Okhovat, Warehouse Stationery CEO.

“As well as the cognitive and educational benefits that handwriting fosters, we all know how special it is to receive a handwritten card from someone,” says Okhovat.

Postcards will be available in all Warehouse Stationery stores around the country during the school holidays. Postage is free to anywhere in the world, via the red post-boxes in all Warehouse Stationery stores.

This is the fifth year of the annual Get NZ Writing initiative. During Feb & March 2019, 96,000 New Zealand school children from 3,000 classrooms sent postcards throughout the country as part of the Get NZ Writing schools initiative.

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