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16 October 2019 | Environment

Living more with less energy

Around the world, people are asking for more. More restrictions on carbon emissions, more sustainable ways of living and more action on climate change.

One new initiative is looking to help us all work towards a solution to those issues, not by doing more, but by thinking of how we can useless.

We’re proud to be joining the ranks of thousands of other Kiwi individuals and businesses committing to Gen Less, a new programme developed by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA). Gen Less aims to help tackle climate change on an individual and organisational level through meaningful action.

“Too often, the solutions identified to combat climate change leave the average person to feel like they don’t have a role to play. Gen Less is there to help change that mindset,” said David Benattar, Chief Sustainability Officer at The Warehouse Group.

“We pride ourselves on being Here for Good at The Warehouse Group by inspiring our 13,000 team members and millions of customers to do what’s right for the environment. Gen Less is a fantastic complement to our work in that space. We’re proud to have the opportunity to spread the word on how we can all make a difference.”

Anyone can sign up and pledge to embrace a lifestyle that uses less energy to help halt climate change. Through its interactive website, users can get tips on how to use less whether it’s reducing food waste, drying clothes on the line instead of a dryer, holidaying locally instead of travelling abroad, and much more.

As part of our Here for Good value, we have a program of over 25 energy efficiency and emissions reduction initiatives that enable us to do what’s right by our people, our product and our planet.

From installing LED lighting in a number of our stores, to transforming unwanted plastic bags into permanent store fixtures, to transitioning 30% of our passenger vehicle fleet to electric vehicles by the end of this year, we’re always looking for ways to build a better future with less environmental impact.

Learn more about Gen Less and sign up here.

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