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25 May 2018 | Retail as a Career

The Millennial Question

Millennials are lazy, entitled narcissists if you believe what a rudimentary Google search tells you.

The common stereotype says they are easily bored, crave instant gratification, and job hop to climb the ladder. To attract them you need bare brick walls, an office dog, a beer fridge and only the best in technology.

Would you say no to a beer fridge?

But as it turns out, what they really crave is meaningful work, respect, and the opportunity to develop themselves.

By 2020 in New Zealand, millennials are going to make up the majority of the workforce. To keep up, businesses are increasingly going to have to adapt if they want to onboard – and retain - the best in millennial talent.

The How – Giving Back

We spoke to General Manager of Talent, Leadership, and Capability Melissa about how she believes businesses can attract millennials, and why it’s essential to embrace millennials in the workforce.

“They add to a diversity of thought, and bring fresh perspectives to the table,” she says.

And, as millennials tend to be more liberal than the rest of the population (think Baby Boomers), the opportunity to make a difference in their communities is a big draw. Our core values are a big part of our day to day business, and TWG team members always have the chance to get involved with our charity work, and community initiatives.

Melissa explains, “Many brands will boast about their charity work, but with us, what you hear about is only part of it. You’ll find out about all the great things we do when you start working here, which makes the work we do feel much more authentic.”

“The Warehouse Group has strong values that help build our people-focused culture, and our community and charity work is a crucial element. For example, The Warehouse raises and distributes over $3 million every year to community organisations right across New Zealand.”

The How – Development

The opportunity to make a difference is not enough on its own however and millennials, like most people, need the chance to progress to stave off boredom and advance in their careers.

We offer a huge range of opportunities to team members – from internships to university scholarships – so that they can develop themselves as people, as well as their skillsets. Each one of them has the option of ongoing training to help them become masters in their field and leaders of thought.

If our team members are not the best they can be, then neither are we.

The How – Changing Perceptions

There is also the hurdle of the general perception of retail as a viable career option. The general view is that retail ends at the checkout and is only a part-time stopgap. In fact, Retail is complex, fast-moving, challenging, and the opportunities are endless. With a 35-year history, more than 12,000 people, 15 brands, and 260 stores, we know what we’re talking about.

TWG is the perfect place for a millennial to start and grow their career so if you know one who is looking to kick-start their retail journey, send them over to our careers page now.

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