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23 October 2020 | Community

Torpedo7 and the AA gear up to keep Kiwis safe this summer

We live for gearing up our customers to get adventurous outdoors, which is why we’ve teamed up with the AA, to offer free comprehensive bike safety checks to AA Members to encourage Kiwis to get on their bikes and stay safe this summer.

The free AA 14-Point Bicycle Safety Check is available once a year for AA Members at Torpedo7’s 21 stores across the country, and includes a check and tune of a bike’s gears, chain, brake pads, tyres, hubs, housing and cables, spokes, pulleys and more by a fully qualified Torpedo7 bike mechanic.

“We are excited to partner with the AA and provide its Members free access to our bike safety checks by one of our fully qualified bike mechanics” says Simon West, Torpedo7 Chief Executive.

“We believe that New Zealand is the most epic, outdoor playground in the world, and we live for gearing up our customers to get adventurous outdoors. Over 1.7 million AA Members now have free access to our bike safety experts, as well as exclusive offers on our broad range of gear from Torpedo7 and some of the best adventure brands in the world.”

The AA 14-Point Bicycle Safety Check is expected to be popular among AA Members, with 13% of Members said to be keen cyclists. The new Member Benefit also includes discounts for AA Members of 20% off Torpedo7 branded gear including bikes, camping, water, snow, fitness and outdoor gear, and 10% off all other brands.*

General Manager of AA Club Developments, Dougal Swift, says he’s delighted that Torpedo7 is joining the AA Member Benefit programme. “Longer, warmer days have arrived and Kiwi riders, from experienced to novice, have so much more choice of tracks and trails thanks to investments by government, councils and work by thousands of local enthusiasts and volunteers, so it’s the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors”.

To take advantage of this new Member Benefit, AA Members simply need to present their AA Membership card in any Torpedo7 store or use the promo code AAADVENTURE with their AA Membership number online.

See you out there!

Terms, conditions and exclusions apply.

Visit for full details of the Torpedo7 AA Member Benefit.

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