Resilience Through Change

Remember that you can arrange to meet with OCP to help support you through change, this can be done remotely, including via phone, FaceTime, Zoom or Skype.

To arrange a confidential appointment call 0800 377 990, email or visit

Change can be unsettling and everyone deals with change in different ways. Here are some top tips to be resilient through change.

  • Control

    Everything that life throws at you can be put into one of two categories: things you worry about (circle of concern) and things you can change (circle of influence). To improve your resilience, focus on things you can change.

  • Stay Connected

    Spend time with your family and friends, stay connected to others. Talk about how you feel to people you can trust – friends, family members, colleagues, managers, spiritual advisors.

  • Physical Health

    Take care of your physical wellbeing by eating well, keeping yourself hydrated, exercising regularly and resting when you need to. Try to get enough sleep and exercise. Breathe! Practice deep breathing to reduce your anxiety and blood pressure and lower your stress levels.

  • Energy

    Understand your energy drivers. What gives you energy? What drains your energy? Once you understand your energy drivers focus on what gives you energy to help you get through a difficult time.

  • Mindfulness

    Identify a sense of purpose for the overall direction of your life, one that meets your core values. Keep a journal of how you are feeling and dealing with stress. Record successes - no matter how small they seem.

  • Spiritual Health

    To take care of your spiritual needs - review your purpose and passion in life. Ask yourself what and who matters most to you. Take time out to be with nature or listen to silence.